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Attempt to define Love

Much has been said about love.
But what is love?
Can you define this definiendum?

Naahh! Love is one of those terminologies in the dictionary that while defined is not fully described. Any attempt to define love using various terms are always futile, as this abstract thing, so intangible, so strange yet so common, defies definition. But the irony is that everyone understands a portion of this thing called “love”.

Love maybe likened to a disease with an existence extending beyond the reach of memory. It is an epidemic affecting countless lives of different ages, races and generations. There is no vaccine to protect the immune system from the love pathogen and there is no cure either for while it is a disease, it is the kind that the patients may willingly die for. Love is a recurrent infection in man’s mortal existence with all its torments that he so cheerfully embraces even till his demise.

Love can likewise be likened to an addiction. It strikes, it ends then infects again, only to die once more, and then the cycle goes on again. But who would want to get rid of this addiction when it brings people together, creates relationships, builds families and creates peace and tranquility? Who would blame such an addiction, when it is by it that you and I were born, when it is by it that humanity achieves the continuation of the species? The more you love, the more you lose a part of you; yet it doesn’t make you less of who you are, you just end up being complete. Should we rid of this addiction therefore?

Love may be expressed in words and actions, but it is in the latter that is best measured. But even in silence the powerful scream of love can be heard. Love is so ordinary yet so strange, so simple yet so vast. No one can give a full satisfying definition of love. Not even the greatest of all poets and philosophers accurately describe Love. But in our daily existence we see it, we feel it, we share it and we live with it.

In my attempt to define love I always do not succeed. While most of the time I always have one word to define it- You ( The People I love). I too cannot perfectly define love. But my heart can. Your heart can..:)

Defining love maybe humanity’s longest craving, but if I were to define love with one word, for me Love is "Great", yet if love be madness, then I must be crazy, and I don’t care! I’ll be the happiest craziest person on earth! :)

(Ga emote lang kay hapit na Valentines day!)