1,2,3,4… Cut it out! You prefer whatever floats your boat?!
You make me wanna puke!
… I’d like to rant and hit some nerves!
How can you love more than one person at the same time? Here’s the scenario in a real love story. One man loves two women at the same time. Some men are guilty of having two or more girlfriends all at the same time.. It’s really stupid.. But why? I just couldn’t get it. It’s definitely a selfish act. You tell somebody up-front all those beautiful “Shakespeare-like“ words to obtain their sweetest “yes” and then you turn to another woman and tell her the same words. Ain’t you just playing with other people’s emotions? It’s never fair to the women involved.
Both sexes or should I say genders are guilty of this. But I think men may be more prone to doing this than women. Of course you can argue with me on that especially if you are a man. “Defend the gang!”…. oh well, I may be wrong so take it as more of a guess and not a conclusion nor a judgment. I don’t want to be described as stereotyping.
But why do men do this? Why, I can’t think of any logical reasons? Let’s see, does it advance your manhood? Does it make more “Hunk-y”? Does it make you the utmost exemplar of MR. ROMEO courting his JULIET with the greatest love in the world to give. Heck!! You are so freakiiiin’ nuts! That’s not love. I call it cheating in the guise of love.
As for the women who are equally guilty of this, let me think of your reasons.. Oh I get it, you want to be called “Miss Hottie”so as to segregate you from “The Not So hottie”, the girl who who’s been kissed by every boy in town. How wretched! And you like being talked like that? Hey, you are not Paris Hilton! (grin..)
No one can serve two masters at the same time.. Duh! And it ain’t justified as multi tasking…lol. I won’t bite that. Faet! (I love using this expression!) You can’t love two persons at the same time. It’s one of the biggest lie you can tell yourself..the biggest deception/self deceit you play on yourself.
So got more than one boyfriend or more than one girlfriend??! Shut up!!!