Have you guys asked yourselves why you have nipples? I guess you have asked yourselves about this but you try to keep it a secret from all the other boys and especially from the girls.. lol..
So why on earth do men have nipples? It's because men started their lives as girls. During the
During he first 6 weeks in the womb, all fetuses develop as female and grow rudimnetary genital tissues as well as nipples that have the potential to become functioning breasts. At he 7th week, however, sex chromosomes kick in, masculinizing the bodies of babies destined to be boys. "while the genital tissue grows into a penis and testes, the nipples are left as is but without any biological funcion" (according Dr. Randy Morris)
It's good that men only have nipples and not real boobs. But if a man takes megadoses of estrogen he can develop real boobs too..
It's good that men only have nipples and not real boobs. But if a man takes megadoses of estrogen he can develop real boobs too..