“I’m a dangas girl, like my mother!” (Loose Translation: "Dangas" means “malaki noo or bonbonan”/ big or bulging forehead)
I remember this line pretty well.

At age 6 and below, I was always asked to say this line in front of all my uncles and aunties. It appeared as if I was bragging at having a high bulging forehead. My relatives seemed entertained as they watched a 6 year old cheerfully and innocently boasted about her bulging forehead. That wasn’t embarrassing at all as they’d bribe me with big claps, and few cents to a peso. They all loved my little presentation, I knew by their merry eyes. . Then I’d slowly exit, with that childish grin thinking “Yeheey Naa ko Kwarta!” (loose translation: “Yeheey, I have money!”) It felt like I outsmarted them all to giving me some cash with a simple sentence. Now I know they tricked me for fun’s sake..lol..
Anyway, is a high bulging forehead a sign of superior intelligence? This is the common belief that’s not proven scientifically. Having a bulging forehead does not indicate above average brainpower. So don’t get intimated upon the sight of someone with bigger/wider forehead than yours. Seriously, a high bulging forehead means just one thing: “a high bulging forehead”. heheh