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Skatingboarding Sculptures

Skateboarders show their appreciation for the arts.

canonball by Scuban

Tao kitpullap Preduce Thailand By natsakhonbut

Sculpture Skate  By marekogien

Chris jones ollie By cornishskatelegend

Edu Acosta By grinch
Flo Marfaing Flip Fakie By cornishskatelegend

Kris Vile Switch flip By cornishskatelegend

Rhys Grogan Frontside Noseslide By cornishskatelegend

Doug Mclaughlan Nosegrab By cornishskatelegend
Daryl Nobbs Frontside Rock By cornishskatelegend
mackey front rock By cornishskatelegend
bilbao By dougiefresh
Sculpture Skate By james_watson
Source: Digg.com