Bieber exacted revenge on enemy by trolling fans
Justin Bieber sent out a simple tweet that says “”Everyone call me 248-417-5346 or text” to his 4.5 million followers and sure enough, the over-excited fans tried to call and sent text messages to the number. The problem was that it wasn’t his number, instead it belonged to his online “enemy” Kevin Kristopik who hacked into Bieber’s best friend twitter account earlier this year and got hold of his personal number.
Kristopik received over 26,000 texts and he had to cancel his number and delete his twitter account. Though it was a naughty move because he was using his popularity (and fans) to get his revenge, it was kinda slick because not many of other boys can do that.
Anyway, I have a feeling this won’t stop and Bieber has created himself an arch-nemesis and given his unpopularity with teenage boys, he has made more enemies now who will try to top this act.
The following video was posted by Kristopik showing how his phone was jammed with messages from Bieber’s fans.