It was a quiz bee competition in high school and I was chosen to represent my section. The questions weren’t as tough as I managed to answer them all correctly. It was almost a sweep. Then I came across the easiest question on spelling. The facilitator asked me to spell the word “relationship”. “So easy, no sweat!” I murmured to myself! Then with confidence overflowing I said “Relationship- R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N- Relationship”.
I heard shouts all over, something like “aaah!!” For a while I thought, those were yells of chants of victory from my classmates and hymn of regrets from the supporters of the losing contestants. But then the shouts got louder and the audience got wilder. Some of my classmates and schoolmates were jumping, shouting something I could not fully grasp.(Coaching is not allowed) Even my teachers jumped from their seats. The bell hasn’t signaled the end of the minute to answer so I immediately grabbed the microphone and re-spelled the word, just to make sure I undo any possible mistake. The audience shouted even louder.

Then I said “relationship- R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N-S- Relationship”!
“Aaaaaah!!!” Those were the response I obtained. Now the audience and the teachers got even wilder. Some were leaping, others were banging and whacking their chairs, while others gestures remained incomprehensible. I couldn’t understand the people in front of me. I didn’t even understand the quiz bee master who’s got this mischievous look on her face. I myself was bewildered. Come on, I couldn’t be wrong with the spelling. It was sooo easy! Then the bell rang. It was over!
The quiz bee master impishly told me “YOU’RE WRONG!”
WHAT? I said. Then she told me how carelessly I spelled the word. I can’t believe it! But that was it! Thank God I was tied with another contestant who also got wrong with the spelling of inauguration. So the tie breaker was still on spelling category. This time I was asked to spell “REINVESTIGATIVE”. And this time I got it right! I even used my fingers in spelling the word just to make I did not stop spelling it too early. heheheh! I bagged home the bacon in short. The misspelled word—IT WAS JUST A CASE OF MISPELLED RELATIONSHIP!:)
“Aaaaaah!!!” Those were the response I obtained. Now the audience and the teachers got even wilder. Some were leaping, others were banging and whacking their chairs, while others gestures remained incomprehensible. I couldn’t understand the people in front of me. I didn’t even understand the quiz bee master who’s got this mischievous look on her face. I myself was bewildered. Come on, I couldn’t be wrong with the spelling. It was sooo easy! Then the bell rang. It was over!
The quiz bee master impishly told me “YOU’RE WRONG!”
WHAT? I said. Then she told me how carelessly I spelled the word. I can’t believe it! But that was it! Thank God I was tied with another contestant who also got wrong with the spelling of inauguration. So the tie breaker was still on spelling category. This time I was asked to spell “REINVESTIGATIVE”. And this time I got it right! I even used my fingers in spelling the word just to make I did not stop spelling it too early. heheheh! I bagged home the bacon in short. The misspelled word—IT WAS JUST A CASE OF MISPELLED RELATIONSHIP!:)