I EXTREMELY hate spiders especially the ones which crawl inside our houses or under our tables and beds acting like members of the household. I ABHOR these creatures! I DESPISE them! You know why, simply because I DON’T LIKE THEM! If I see one just anywhere near me, heavens, you’ll see me dash like am running for my life. Seeing a spider stresses me so much that I won’t go to the bathroom to take a bath if I see one. Over my dead body! Sometimes I get late in school because of this. But I don’t fear getting late more than I fear spiders with their yucky legs and gruesome color, more so if I see a preggy mother spider, with its whitish bulging tummy.
But mind you guyz, I’ve killed a number of spiders, but only the little ones. I kill them before they grow big and threaten my peace. I’ve killed big ones as well but I used the broom or the floor mop so that I’ll be feet away from the spider. Unfair as it may seem but I am an ARACKNOPHOBIC. I have fear of spiders. If I don’t kill them, they would hinder me, paralyze me, incapacitate me even in the simple things. One time, I was studying for an exam and this spider just showed up, I really leaped from my seat traversing into the bed. I was so frightened, or so shocked that I could feel my heart thumping so fast. Unluckily my friend wasn’t able to kill the spider and as a result, I lost my concentration. Although I was studying in my bed, fear still crept to me. I can’t see the spider but I know it’s there and the thought alone is very disturbing.
I’ve tried hard enough I guess to overcome this fear. But try as might, I just can’t like spiders. Its like my mind is willing but my body is weak.I dread spiders and I am merciless in killing them, but yah, I do that distance away. Funny?! Not at all. Every encounter with a spider is like a battle for me. A spider crawling near me or away from me, stationary or moving, hey an aggressor has come lose! I defend myself scarily yet bravely (when am weak then I am strong). With a fast beating heart and reliable military hardware of broomstick or floor mop I combat with the spider whose ultimate weapon is its mind disturbing, fear producing looks.
(Note: I don’t mean to offend animal lovers!)
But mind you guyz, I’ve killed a number of spiders, but only the little ones. I kill them before they grow big and threaten my peace. I’ve killed big ones as well but I used the broom or the floor mop so that I’ll be feet away from the spider. Unfair as it may seem but I am an ARACKNOPHOBIC. I have fear of spiders. If I don’t kill them, they would hinder me, paralyze me, incapacitate me even in the simple things. One time, I was studying for an exam and this spider just showed up, I really leaped from my seat traversing into the bed. I was so frightened, or so shocked that I could feel my heart thumping so fast. Unluckily my friend wasn’t able to kill the spider and as a result, I lost my concentration. Although I was studying in my bed, fear still crept to me. I can’t see the spider but I know it’s there and the thought alone is very disturbing.
I’ve tried hard enough I guess to overcome this fear. But try as might, I just can’t like spiders. Its like my mind is willing but my body is weak.I dread spiders and I am merciless in killing them, but yah, I do that distance away. Funny?! Not at all. Every encounter with a spider is like a battle for me. A spider crawling near me or away from me, stationary or moving, hey an aggressor has come lose! I defend myself scarily yet bravely (when am weak then I am strong). With a fast beating heart and reliable military hardware of broomstick or floor mop I combat with the spider whose ultimate weapon is its mind disturbing, fear producing looks.
(Note: I don’t mean to offend animal lovers!)